Core Ethics Vol.20

Core Ethics Vol.20 (2024)
Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences,Ritsumeikan University


index PDF<173KB>
editor PDF<64KB>


Choices of the Final Resting Place Desired by Residents of Hansenʼs Disease Sanatorium
IHA Hiroyuki p.1

A historical review of the notetaking service for the hard of hearing in Japan:
Difference of opinion regarding notetaking using a computer
OSHIMOTO Asami p. 13

The Issues in the Legalization Process of Personal Assistance in Taiwan
Eunice Ya-Yu KAO p. 25

Influences of “Meaningless and Barren Jobs” on Special Needs Education Practices:
Insights from an Interview with a Teacher in Public School.
KITAMI Yumi p. 37

Resistance to the Expertise:
A Case Study of How Mineral Collectors Using Their Knowledge
SUN Qianran p. 51

The Relativization of Shogi Meijin Status:
Tracing the Shift from Lifetime Meijin to Merit-Based Meijin
MATSUMOTO Iori p. 63

Working in a Different Region
―Examining the Place that Enabled a Former Member of
a Criminal Group to Return to Society―
MORI Yasuhiro p. 75

Historical Research on the Establishment of Higher Education Institutions for
People with Disabilities:
The Process of Establishing Tsukuba College of Technology as a Case Study
YAMAGUCHI Kazunori p. 89

The Role of Day-Care Centers in Promoting the Belief that “Home Childcare is Best”:
An Exploration of the 1965 Guidelinesʼ Formation
YAMAMOTO Yukiko p. 103

The “Irregular play” in first-person shooting multiplayer:
A case study on player behavior in pursuit of “gold skin” in Battlefield V
YANG Siyu p. 117

The Background of Physical Therapists Becoming a National Qualification:
Business Monopoly and Opening Rights
WATANABE Hiroki p. 129


Kato, Akihito, 2023, Sociology of relationship formation between disabled and
able-bodied people: Reorganization of education, welfare, and local
communities surrounding disability and the politics of disability
, Tokyo: Kadensha.
OHASHI Kazuki p. 141

A Review of Kazuki Maenosonoʼs What Narratives about Sexual Violence Bring to Us:
Victim Blaming and Othering of the Offenders

KATO Konomi p. 145

A Review of History of “Game Centers” in Japan: their Changes and
Social Positioning as Entertainment Facilities
by Kawasaki Yasuo
KATO Konomi p. 145

Graduate school week project
Ritsumeikan University Graduate School Week: 2023 Event
Roundtable Discussion on Graduate School: Past, Present and Future” Friday, November 10, 2023.
p. 153

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